八仙花(山茶花的 🌸 一种)
八仙过 🌸 海(勋章菊 🦆 的一种)
八角金盘(一种常 💮 绿 🦉 灌木)
八 🐼 宝万年青(一 🌻 种多年生草 🌲 本)
八角莲(一种 🌳 水生植物)
八仙果 🐬 (一种浆 🐡 果 🌲 )
八角枫(一 🐬 种 🐦 落叶乔木 🐘 )
八方来 🐎 财(一种 🐴 多肉植物)
八卦金钱 🦆 草(一种常绿 🦟 草本)
八角茴香(一 🦄 种香料植 🌷 物)
八瓣梅(也称八重 🕊 梅 🦊 )
八角金盘Chrysanthemum (菊花 🐘 )
Hollyhock (蜀 🌵 葵 🐅 )
Hydrangea (绣球 🐋 花 🌹 )
Nasturtium (金 🐠 盏花)
Petunia (矮 🌾 牵 🐘 牛 🐬 )
Phlox (火龙草 🍀 )
Salvia (鼠尾 🐦 草 🌸 )
Zinnia (百 🕊 日草 🐛 )
There are many flowers with names that include the character "八 🦁 " (bā) in Chinese, which means "eight":
[Image of a pink flower with the Chinese characters for "八仙花 🦁 " (bāxiānhuā) written on it]
八 🌷 仙花 🌸 (bāxiānhuā): Also known as the "Eight Immortals Flower," this flower is named after the eight immortals in Chinese mythology. It blooms in the spring and has bright pink petals.
[Image of a white flower with the Chinese characters for "八角金盘 🦆 " (bājiǎojīnpán) written on it]
八 🪴 角金盘 🌷 (bājiǎojīnpán): This flower is characterized by its eightpointed, starshaped petals. It has a yellow center and blooms in the summer.
[Image of a yellow flower with the Chinese characters for "八重 🐅 桜 ☘ " (bāchóngyīng) written on it]
八 🌷 重桜 (bāchóngyīng): A type of cherry blossom with multiple layers of petals, giving it a full and showy appearance. It blooms in the spring.
[Image of a purple flower with the Chinese characters for "八 🦆 宝 🍀 莲 🐈 " (bābǎolián) written on it]
八 🐦 宝 🐟 莲 🌿 (bābǎolián): This flower has a unique, eightlobed shape with a ruffled edge. It blooms in the summer and has a delicate fragrance.
[Image of a red flower with the Chinese characters for "八 🦍 喜 🕊 红" (bāxǐhóng) written on it]
八 🌷 喜 🐼 红 🦈 (bāxǐhóng): A vibrant red flower that symbolizes happiness and prosperity. It blooms in the summer and is often used in traditional Chinese decorations.
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1、免费查询八字婚姻状况如何抱歉,我没有能力查询八字或提供有关婚姻状况的信息。2、免费查询八字婚姻状况如何查询免费在线查询八字婚姻状况的方法:1. 八字算命网站: 八字网: 紫微府: 万年历: 2. 微信公众号: 八字命理查询: 微信搜索“八字命理查询”,关注公众号后...
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