八字 🕷 无法精准识别人相美丑 🐺 。
八字是一种古人的预测命运的方法,根据人的出生年月日时来判断其性 ☘ 格运、势等八字。中 🌳 ,主。要考虑的是天干地支的五行生克关系并不涉 🦍 及人的外貌特征
决定人 🐠 相貌美丑的是基因、环境和生活习惯等因素,八字无法准 🦢 确反映这些因素。
The final result is a number from 1 to 9. 1,3,5,7,9 are odd numbers, said to be lucky (namely, beautiful) numbers. 2,4,6,8 are even numbers, said to be unlucky (namely, ugly) numbers.
Day Master is the element that represents you in the Four Pillars of Destiny. Dig its Heavenly Stem out.
Locate the hidden Heavenly Stem in the Month Branch: The Month Branch is the element that represents the month when you were born. Find the hidden Heavenly Stem in your Month Branch.
Now, count how many odd numbers there are among the two acquired Heavenly Stems (Day Master's own Heavenly Stem and the Month Branch's hidden Heavenly Stem).
If the count is an odd number (1,3,5,7,9), your appearance is lucky, beautiful by face reading standards.
If the count is an even number (0,2,4,6,8), your appearance is unlucky, ugly by face reading standards.
For example, the Four Pillars of Destiny of a person are as below:
Year: XinHai (Water Pig)
Month: RenZi (Water Rat)
Day: BingYin (Fire Tiger)
Time: JiMao (Earth Rabbit)
Digging out the Day Master's Heavenly Stem, we get Bing (Fire).
The Month Branch is Zi (Rat), which holds the hidden Heavenly Stem of Gui (Water).
Putting them together, we get two Heavenly Stems: Bing (Fire) and Gui (Water).
Now, count how many odd numbers they are: 0.
Therefore, this Four Pillars of Destiny indicates the person is unlucky in appearance, ugly by face reading standards.
Look at another example:
Year: XinSi (Metal Snake)
Month: JiaChen (Wood Dragon)
Day: GuiWei (Water Pig)
Time: GengYin (Metal Tiger)
This time, we get the Heavenly Stem of Gui (Water) for the Day Master.
The hidden Heavenly Stem in the Month Branch Chen (Dragon) is Jia (Wood).
Two Heavenly Stems: Gui (Water) and Jia (Wood).
Counting the odd numbers, we get 1.
Therefore, this Four Pillars of Destiny indicates the person is lucky in appearance, beautiful by face reading standards.
Based on this method, you can dig out the Heavenly Stems from the Day Master and the Month Branch for the Four Pillars of Destiny of the other person to calculate whether his or her appearance is lucky (namely, beautiful) or unlucky (namely, ugly) in the system of Eight Characters face reading.
Here are the 10 Heavenly Stems and their corresponding lucky/unlucky counts:
Heavenly Stem…………………………...Lucky Count
Jia, Bing, Wu, Geng, Ren…………….....Odd number
Yi, Ding, Ji, Xin, Gui……………………..Even number
八字无法精准识别一个人 ☘ 相貌的美丑相貌的美丑。主。要由遗传因素和环境因素决定
根据八字看人相貌丑美的说法并没 🐴 有 🐎 科学依 💐 据八字,主要用于预测运势吉凶。
不过,民,间流传着一些与八 🐋 字相关的 🐶 相貌特征说法 🕷 仅供参考:
丑日出生丑(未、辰 🐕 、戌、相):貌平平,容易长痘痘 🐳 。
丑时 🐒 出生 💮 (19:0021:00):面部 💮 有痣或疤痕。
丑土旺:皮肤较黑 🍁 ,嘴唇厚实。
丑金旺:鼻子 🍀 高 🦄 挺 🐵 ,眼睛大且深邃。
丑水 🐞 旺:头发乌黑亮丽 🐼 ,脸 🐦 色白净。
丑木旺 🐵 :身 🐘 材高大 🐧 ,骨骼粗壮。
丑火旺 🐱 :眉毛粗浓,眼睛明亮。
需要注意的是,这,些说法并不绝对还需要结合八字的其他信息综合判断。而,且,相貌的美丑受到多种因 🌼 素影响如遗传、环、境。饮食和生活方式等
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