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West Lake, known as the "paradise on earth," is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Hangzhou, China. The renowned West Lake, with its picturesque scenery, attracts millions of tourists every year. Among the various scenic spots around the lake, the White Causeway is considered a must-visit. If you are planning a trip to West Lake and wondering about the cost of White Causeway tickets, then this article is here to help.

The White Causeway, also known as Bai Di, stretches across the southern part of West Lake, connecting the Broken Bridge at one end to the Santanyinyue on the other. It offers breathtaking views and is a favorite spot for both locals and tourists. Walking along the White Causeway, one can immerse themselves in the tranquility of the lake, enjoy the beautiful lotus flowers in summer or the snow-covered scenery in winter.

Now, let's get to the point. Do you need to purchase tickets for the White Causeway, and how much do they cost? The good news is that visiting the White Causeway is absolutely free of charge! Yes, you read that right – no entry fees required! It's an open public area where everyone is welcome to explore and appreciate its beauty without any financial burden. Whether you are a budget traveler or just looking to enjoy the natural beauty without breaking the bank, the White Causeway offers an excellent opportunity.

Not only can you admire the stunning scenery, but you can also capture those precious moments with your camera. The lake, the surrounding trees, and the numerous bridges create a picturesque backdrop for your photos. Don't forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the magic of the White Causeway. You can witness the serene lake waters merging with the sky. It's truly a sight to behold.

Here in West Lake, there are plenty of activities that you can enjoy. You can take a boat ride on the lake, rent a bicycle to explore the area, or simply indulge in local delicacies at one of the lakeside restaurants. The options are limitless. The White Causeway, being a significant part of West Lake, provides a wonderful starting point for your adventure.

In conclusion, the White Causeway at West Lake in Hangzhou is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking natural beauty. The good news is that there are no admission fees required to explore the White Causeway. It offers a perfect opportunity to enjoy the serene surroundings without worrying about the cost. So, if you are planning a trip to West Lake, don't miss out on walking along the White Causeway and experiencing the tranquility and charm it has to offer.

标签: 白堤 西湖 门票



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西湖白堤要门票吗 西湖白堤,作为杭州最著名的旅游景点之一,吸引了无数游客前来观光。很多人对于西湖白堤的门票问题存在疑惑:到底需要购买门票吗?在这里,我将为您揭晓答案。 我要说的是,西湖白堤并没有门票制度。这意味着您可以免费进入白堤,并且尽情欣赏美丽的湖景。

