[Image of a Type 1 eightstep house with a red roof and white walls]
Type 1 eightstep houses are characterized by their narrow footprint and tall, narrow windows. They usually have two or three stories and a steep roof. The front door is typically located on the side of the house, and there is a small porch or stoop.
Type 2
[Image of a Type 2 eightstep house with a white roof and black walls]
Type 2 eightstep houses are similar to Type 1 houses, but they are wider and have a more symmetrical facade. They typically have three or four stories and a more gentle roof pitch. The front door is usually located in the center of the house, and there is a larger porch or stoop.
Type 3
[Image of a Type 3 eightstep house with a gray roof and white walls]
Type 3 eightstep houses are the most common type. They are wide and have a symmetrical facade. They typically have four or five stories and a flat roof. The front door is usually located in the center of the house, and there is a large porch or stoop.
石 🦉 材八字台阶
[图 🕷 片 🐝 1]()
[图 🦍 片 🐝 2]()
[图 🦈 片 🌿 3]()
陶 🌳 瓷八字 🐱 台阶
[图 🐋 片 🦊 4]()
[图 🕸 片 🌴 5]()
[图 🐅 片 🌲 6]()
水 🐴 泥八字 🌾 台 🍁 阶
[图 🐋 片 🦢 7]()
[图 🐒 片8]()
[图片 🦅 9]()
防滑八字台 🕸 阶
[图片 🦊 10]()
[图 🐧 片 🐡 11]()
[图 🐘 片 🐺 12]()
其 🪴 他八字台阶
[图 🌳 片 🦋 13]()
[图 🌳 片 🐠 14]()
[图 🐱 片 🐈 15]()
稳健、坚定地站在自己的立场上,不动 🐴 摇。
[图 🐡 片 1]()
[图 🌷 片 🦁 2]()
[图 🦟 片 🐶 3]()
[图 🌴 片 4]()
[图片 ☘ 5]()
[图 🐵 片 6]()
[图片 🐈 7]()
[图片 🦢 8]()
[图 🐦 片 🌵 9]()
[图 🐡 片 🐋 10]()
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