


2023-08-08 27 27


Day 1: Exploring Gulangyu Island

As a travel enthusiast, I recently embarked on a three-day trip to the charming city of Xiamen. The highlight of my visit was undoubtedly the exploration of the beautiful Gulangyu Island.

Gulangyu Island, known as the "Piano Island," is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination in Xiamen. The island is famed for its unique blend of Chinese and Western architecture, serene beaches, and pedestrian-only streets.

After arriving on the island by ferry, I strolled along the narrow paths, lined with quaint colonial-style buildings. The vibrant colors and intricate designs of the houses added to the island's charm. A visit to the Shuzhuang Garden was a must, where I admired the elegant landscapes and picturesque views of the sea.

Day 2: Immersed in Nature

On the second day of my trip, I decided to venture into the natural wonders that surround Xiamen. My destination for the day was the breathtaking Tianzhu Mountain.

After a scenic drive through the countryside, I arrived at the foot of the mountain. The lush greenery and fresh air immediately rejuvenated my spirit. I embarked on a hike up the trails, surrounded by soaring peaks and cascading waterfalls. Upon reaching the summit, I was rewarded with panoramic views of the city and the nearby islands. It was truly a moment of awe and appreciation for the beauty of nature.

Day 3: Cultural Immersion

To complete my three-day adventure, I delved into the rich cultural heritage of Xiamen on my final day. I began with a visit to the Nanputuo Temple, a renowned Buddhist temple dating back to the Tang Dynasty. The tranquil atmosphere and intricate architectural details left me in awe.

Continuing on, I explored the vibrant streets of Zhongshan Road, the city's bustling commercial district. The lively atmosphere, filled with shops, cafes, and street performers, provided a glimpse into the local lifestyle.

To end my trip on a high note, I made my way to the famous Hulishan Fortress, an imposing 19th-century fort that once guarded Xiamen's coast. The well-preserved cannons and the stunning seaside views made it a worthy finale to my Xiamen adventure.

In conclusion, my three-day trip to Xiamen, specifically focusing on Gulangyu Island, allowed me to experience the city's unique blend of history, nature, and culture. This memorable journey has left me with a deep appreciation for Xiamen's beauty and charm.





1. 游览曾厝垵:曾厝垵是鼓浪屿最有名的景点之一,这里保存了大量的百年老房子和葡萄牙风格建筑,街道上布满了各式各样的小店和咖啡馆,逛逛小巷,品味咖啡,感受异国情调。

2. 参观日光岩:日光岩是岛上的一座古老寺庙,寺庙内的岩洞错落有致,犹如一道巨大的石屏障。你可以在日光岩的顶上眺望大海和岛上美景,尤其是日落时分,景色更加壮观。

3. 漫步海边:鼓浪屿是一个被海水环绕的小岛,岛上有许多美丽的海滩和海边景点,你可以选择漫步在海边,欣赏迷人的海景,感受那股来自大海的清新气息。


1. 鼓浪屿沙茶面:鼓浪屿沙茶面是鼓浪屿的特色美食之一,以其浓郁的香味和独特的口感而受到游客的喜爱。无论是在岛上的小摊还是在餐馆里,你都可以品尝到正宗的鼓浪屿沙茶面。

2. 鼓浪屿土笋冻:鼓浪屿的土笋冻也是一道地道的特色美食,它以礁石上生长的笋冻为主要原料,口感鲜嫩爽口,给人一种清凉的感觉。













Day 1: Explore the Old Town

Embark on your journey by exploring the charm of Xiamen's old town. As you wander through the narrow streets lined with traditional buildings, you'll feel like you've stepped back in time. Visit the famous Nanputuo Temple, a Buddhist temple nestled at the foot of Wulaofeng. Take a stroll along the Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street, filled with local shops, cafes, and street vendors.

Day 2: Island Hopping

No trip to Xiamen is complete without a visit to the beautiful Gulangyu Island. Take a ferry ride to this car-free island and spend the day exploring its winding streets and admiring its unique colonial architecture. Don't miss the stunning Shuzhuang Garden and the Piano Museum, which houses a collection of over 70 ancient pianos.

Day 3: Enjoy Nature

Escape the city and enjoy the natural beauty of Xiamen on the third day of your trip. Head to the picturesque Jimei District and visit the stunning Xiaoyu Mountain and Yun Ding Mountain. Explore the scenic walking trails and take in the breathtaking views of Xiamen's coastline. End the day by relaxing at one of Xiamen's beautiful beaches, such as Jinshanzui Beach or Xiang'an Beach.

With its rich history, natural beauty, and vibrant culture, Xiamen offers a perfect blend of old and new. This three-day itinerary will allow you to experience the best that the city has to offer. Don't forget to sample the local cuisine, especially the famous seafood dishes, and indulge in some shopping for souvenirs to remember your trip by.



鼓浪屿龙山洞百度百科 鼓浪屿,位于福建厦门市,被誉为“东方夏威夷”。它以其独特的自然风光和独特的文化传承吸引着无数游客前来观光。这里有一座著名的景点,叫做龙山洞。 龙山洞,隐匿于鼓浪屿的一处山腹之中。它如同一座巨龙蜷伏在山下,默默地守护着鼓浪屿的美丽。一旦


鼓浪屿音乐厅售票 鼓浪屿音乐厅,这是一个别具一格的音乐殿堂,位于福建厦门鼓浪屿岛上。它的建筑风格独特,兼具欧洲文艺复兴与中国传统建筑的精髓。音乐厅内部装饰豪华,气氛庄重而又温馨。这里曾经举办过无数次精彩绝伦的音乐会,成为了音乐爱好者们的心头好。 这个季节正


鼓浪屿路线规划 鼓浪屿,这个美丽的小岛位于福建厦门市,拥有许多吸引人的景点和独特的文化魅力。作为一个旅游博主,我一直梦想着来到这个迷人的地方,为我的读者带来一次难忘的旅行体验。今天,我将为大家规划一条精彩的鼓浪屿路线。 第一站,我们来到了这座小岛最著名的景


鼓浪屿的浪漫 鼓浪屿的浪漫 何处有浪漫?鼓浪屿是我的答案。这座小岛,宛如一颗明珠,镶嵌在闽南海域,闪烁着独特的光芒。逐渐成为了旅行者们向往的目的地。而今天,我就要带着你,来一场鼓浪屿之行,感受浪漫气息的沐浴。 上岛后,首先迎面而来的是鼓浪屿的建筑群,犹如一


鼓浪屿景点讲解 鼓浪屿,位于中国福建厦门市,是一座美丽的海岛。它以其独特的风光和悠久的历史而闻名于世。作为一名旅游博主,我将带您一睹鼓浪屿的美景,并为您讲解其中的历史和文化。 让我们来到鼓浪屿的中心地带——曾经的国际居民区。这里保留着英国、法国、荷兰、日本


鼓浪屿旅游攻略自助游 鼓浪屿,位于中国福建省厦门市西南方的一个小岛。具有浓厚的海洋气息和独特的欧洲风情的鼓浪屿是很多人向往的旅游胜地之一。作为一个旅游博主,今天我将为大家分享一份鼓浪屿旅游攻略,希望能够帮助各位自助游的朋友们更好地了解这个迷人的小岛。 鼓浪

