


2024-04-24 3 3


Day 1




Day 2















Day 1: Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum

Start your first day in Xi'an by visiting the world-famous Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum. It is located about 40 kilometers east of downtown Xi'an and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. These life-sized terracotta sculptures depict the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, and were buried with him in 210–209 BC to protect him in the afterlife.

Day 2: City Wall and Muslim Quarter

On your second day in Xi'an, explore the ancient city wall, which is one of the best-preserved city walls in China. You can rent a bicycle and ride along the 14-kilometer-long wall to enjoy panoramic views of the city. Afterward, head to the Muslim Quarter, also known as Huimin Street, where you can experience the local Islamic culture and taste delicious street food. Don't miss trying the local specialty, Yangrou Paomo, a mutton soup with minced flatbread.

Day 3 (half day): Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Shaanxi History Museum

Spend the morning of your third day exploring the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a well-known Buddhist pagoda that was built in the Tang Dynasty. Climb to the top of the pagoda to enjoy stunning views of the city. Afterward, visit the Shaanxi History Museum, which houses over 370,000 historical relics, including bronze ware, pottery, and silk artifacts. It provides a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of Shaanxi Province.

Xi'an is a city rich in history and culture, and these attractions are just the tip of the iceberg. Make sure to try the local cuisine, such as the famous Xi'an dumplings, and explore the bustling night markets for a taste of the vibrant local life. Enjoy your 2.5-day self-guided tour in Xi'an!


Day 1

Welcome to Xi'an, one of the oldest cities in China and home to numerous historical sites. Start your day by visiting the awe-inspiring Terracotta Army, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at the thousands of life-sized soldiers, horses, and chariots that were buried with the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Don't forget to check out the museum to learn more about this incredible archaeological discovery.

Afterward, head to the ancient city walls of Xi'an. Rent a bike and cycle along the 14-kilometer-long wall, enjoying panoramic views of the city. You can take a break at one of the watchtowers or explore the surrounding area.

In the afternoon, make your way to the Muslim Quarter, a bustling market filled with delicious street food and unique souvenirs. Indulge in local snacks such as lamb skewers, pita bread soaked in mutton soup, and persimmon cake. Don't forget to visit the Great Mosque, a beautiful blend of Chinese and Islamic architectural styles.

Day 2

Begin your second day with a visit to the Shaanxi History Museum, where you can learn about the rich history and culture of Shaanxi province. The museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts, including intricate bronze vessels, ancient pottery, and precious jade carvings.

Next, head to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a symbol of ancient Xi'an. Climb to the top for a panoramic view of the city and explore the surrounding gardens. If time permits, you can also visit the nearby Small Wild Goose Pagoda.

End your trip with a visit to the Bell Tower and Drum Tower. Marvel at the impressive architecture and watch a demonstration of traditional bell and drum performances. From the top of the Bell Tower, you can enjoy a bird's-eye view of the city.

Don't miss the opportunity to try Xi'an's famous dumplings before you leave. These mouth-watering delicacies come in various flavors and are a must-try when visiting the city.

With its rich history and cultural heritage, Xi'an offers a memorable travel experience. Whether you're exploring ancient sites or immersing yourself in the vibrant local culture, Xi'an will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.





1、去西安旅游要注意的事项1. 景点安排在去西安旅游时,一定要提前计划好景点的安排。西安有许多知名景点,如兵马俑、大雁塔、华清宫等,但这些景点往往都非常热门,特别是在旅游旺季。因此,在游览景点前,最好提前购买门票或者预订导游服务,以避免人多拥挤和浪费时间排队等








1、去西北旅游八天七晚多少钱1. 行程规划第一天:起始地(如北京)- 西安第二天:西安游览第三天:西安 - 兰州第四天:兰州 - 敦煌第五天:敦煌游览第六天:敦煌 - 张掖第七天:张掖游览第八天:张掖 - 返回起始地2. 探索西安在西安,可以参观世界著名的兵马俑。这一天可以游

